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Food Certifications

By greenoo1

GreeNoodle Certifications

 Our Organic Farm in Thailand where we grow our Moroheiya is IFOAM Certified.International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)
 Our Manufacturing plant is HACCP Certified.

 Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP)

   GreeNoodle does not contain ingredients that are unlawful for the Islamic faith.What is Halal?
vegetarian  GreeNoodle is suitable for vegetarians. Plain, Yakisoba, and Miso flavors do not contain any animal products. The Tom Yum, and Shiitake flavors contain milk extract.



The Organic Farm

By greenoo1


Since 1999 Mr. Sho Oga, a former executive of a Japanese health product manufacturer, pioneered organic agriculture in Thailand.

Organic Farm 1

For the farm in Thailand, he picked the foothill of Dong Phayayen mountain under a giant white Buddha – the remote place in Klang Dong sub-district of Nakhon Ratchasima, as the perfect location to make healthy, organic products.

Organic agriculture requires two things: land unaffected by pesticides, and water that was not contaminated by chemical waste from other farms. He had drilled 150 meters deep well to finaly find clean, exclusive, water source for irrigation.

“Why organic? Because I just don’t want to do business and simply earn money ignoring nature, by discharging into rivers chemical-tainted water that could severely hurt fish and people and ruin the harmony of nature,” said Mr Oga.

His farm is certified as an organic farm by the Agriculture Department, of Thailand. Now it produces about 150 tons of more than 60 different types of vegetables a year, including Japanese cucumber, cherry tomatoes and moroheiya, which yields some 50 tons a year.

The produce is supplied to leading supermarkets, restaurants and health shops. The factory also produces some natural products – such as massage oil, soap, shampoo, organic teas and noodles – to supply domestic markets and to export to other countries.

Like many organic producers in every country, Mr. Oga had difficulty accessing the market, especially during the very first years of operation. However, he said that consumers want healthier lives and a better environment – and this is strongly driving the growth of organic produce.




Who created GreeNoodle?

By greenoo1

The Creator of GreeNoodleMr Sho Oga

Mr. Sho Oga

Before I began working with agriculture, I was working for a company in Japan that produced health supplements. During that time I encountered moroheiya – an unusually nutritious vegetable, that attracted a great deal of my attention.

Moroheiya, also known as the “King’s vegetable”, is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. However, it had been rarely eaten in Japan or throughout the world. Although I hear some supermarkets carry it now, it is usually limited to the summer months, and generally people are still unaware of the existence of moroheiya.

The company manufactured and sold heath supplements; some including nutrients derived from moroheiya, but wasn’t interested in selling moroheiya itself as a vegetable. However the market for supplements is limited – it’s not for the youth, children, or healthy people…

I racked my brain to think of a product that would appeal to any age group. Something both children and adults could enjoy. My conclusion was noodles. People of all ages love noodles. Also, noodles are not just for Japanese style or Thai style cooking. There are many ways of cooking noodles: noodles with soup, ramen noodles, cold noodles, chow mein noodles, spaghetti noodles, noodles for salads, etc. Noodles are wonderful foods with universal appeal.

That is why I made up my mind to develop moroheiya noodles. So I quit my job to start an organic agriculture business that would offer safe foods to people while protecting and taking care of the environment.

Today I am proud to present to you the fruits of my hard labor. I put my heart and soul into perfecting this delicious health food. I wanted to make sure my noodles had the best combination of chewiness and smoothness. After years of frustrating trials and errors, I am finally rewarded with the invention of my dreams.



Food of the Kings

By greenoo1

All Giza Pyramids



Moroheiya Nutrition Chart

By greenoo1

Moroheiya Nutrition Comparison Chart


(Source: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Scientic Technology of Japan, 2005)





Potassium (mg) 530 690 280 360
Calcium (mg) 260 49 28 38
Copper (mg) 0.33 0.11 0.04 0.08
Manganese (mg) 1.32 0.32 0.1 0.22
Vitamin A Alpha Caroten (µg) 0 0 2800 4
Beta Carotene (µg) 10000 4200 7700 800
Cryptoxanthin (µg) 76 34 0 7
Beta Carotene Equivalents (µg) 10000 4200 9100 810
Retinol Activity Equivalents (µg) 840 350 760 67
Vitamin B (Thiamin) (mg) 0.18 0 0.05 0.14
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) (mg) 0.42 0.2 0.04 0.2
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxin) (mg) 0.35 0 0.11 0.27
Vitamin B9 (Folate) (µg) 250 210 28 210
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) (mg) 65 35 4 120
Dietary Soluable (g) 1.3 0.7 0.7 0.7
Insoluable (g) 4.6 2.1 2 3.7
Total (g) 5.9 2.8 2.7 4.4



What is Moroheiya?

By greenoo1

What is Moroheiya?

Moroheiya also known as mulukhiya or mallow leaf (Corchuros in Lat.) has been cultivated in Egypt since ancient times. Its fibers are spun into jute while its young shoots and leaves are harvested as a vegetable and used in traditional Egyptian dishes and stews. However not many people know that this seemingly humble plant has a very surprising nutritional value.As the Japanese Ministry of Education and Science reported, moroheiya contains great amounts of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers in quantities that surpass most known vegetables and herbs.


The diagram below compares moroheiya to some of the common vegetables.(See also Comparison Chart)
The moroheiya used in GreeNoodles is grown on an organic IFOAM certified farm in Thailand, where the tropical climate is very well suited to the plant allowing it to be harvested twice a year.

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Moroheiya Nutrition Comparison Chart


(Source: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Scientic Technology of Japan, 2005)





Potassium (mg) 530 690 280 360
Calcium (mg) 260 49 28 38
Copper (mg) 0.33 0.11 0.04 0.08
Manganese (mg) 1.32 0.32 0.1 0.22
Vitamin A Alpha Caroten (µg) 0 0 2800 4
Beta Carotene (µg) 10000 4200 7700 800
Cryptoxanthin (µg) 76 34 0 7
Beta Carotene Equivalents (µg) 10000 4200 9100 810
Retinol Activity Equivalents (µg) 840 350 760 67
Vitamin B (Thiamin) (mg) 0.18 0 0.05 0.14
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) (mg) 0.42 0.2 0.04 0.2
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxin) (mg) 0.35 0 0.11 0.27
Vitamin B9 (Folate) (µg) 250 210 28 210
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) (mg) 65 35 4 120
Dietary Soluable (g) 1.3 0.7 0.7 0.7
Insoluable (g) 4.6 2.1 2 3.7
Total (g) 5.9 2.8 2.7 4.4